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1. What are the early signs of pregnancy?

A: Early signs may include missed periods, nausea, breast tenderness, fatigue, and increased urination.


2. Is it safe to exercise during pregnancy?

A: Yes, moderate exercise is generally safe and beneficial during pregnancy. Practise Pawanmuktasana (Wind-Relieving Pose) to aid digestion and reduce bloating. However, it's essential to consult with your healthcare provider before starting or continuing any exercise routine.


3. What foods should I avoid during pregnancy?

A: Pregnant women should avoid raw or undercooked seafood, deli meats, unpasteurized dairy, and excessive caffeine. It's crucial to discuss specific dietary guidelines with your healthcare provider.


4. Can I travel during pregnancy?

A: In general, it's safe to travel during the first and second trimesters. However, it's essential to consult with your healthcare provider, especially if you have any pregnancy complications.


5. Are prenatal vitamins necessary?

A: Yes, prenatal vitamins, particularly folic acid, are crucial for the baby's development. Your healthcare provider may recommend specific supplements based on your needs.


6. Can I dye my hair while I am pregnant?

A: There is not much research on using products such as hair dye, perms, or nail polish during pregnancy. It is generally a good idea to reduce your exposure to these chemicals. If you choose to use them, do so in a room that is well-ventilated.


7. Can I drink Herbal tea during my pregnancy?

A: Pregnant women often consume herbal teas like ginger, linden, chamomile , fennel, and rosehip to relieve nausea, meet fluid needs, and benefit from calming properties. These teas are generally safe if consumed in moderation (up to two cups per day) However, certain herbal teas, such as sage, basil, flaxseed, and raspberry, should be avoided during pregnancy. They can increase the risk of miscarriage, bleeding, and premature birth by affecting uterine contractions. Always consult with the doctor before using herbal treatments during pregnancy, as some plants may have adverse effects.


8. What can be done for normal delivery of the baby?

A: Few yoga asanas can help in this regard. 1.Chair Pose 2.Bhadrasana 3.Konasana 4.Parvatasana 5.Vakrasana


9. Is vaginal spotting or bleeding normal during pregnancy?

A: Red or brown spotting or light bleeding may happen during pregnancy. Up to 25% of pregnant women have some spotting or light vaginal bleeding during their first trimester. Vaginal bleeding during pregnancy is more common in women who have been pregnant before than in women who are pregnant for the first time. If the bleeding persists, you experience cramping, or you see fluid or tissue in your underwear, call your doctor right away. This may be a sign of something more serious.


10. How does Ayurveda address common sleep disturbances during pregnancy?

A: Ayurvedic recommendations include a calming bedtime routine, consuming warm milk with a pinch of nutmeg, and creating a comfortable sleep environment to improve sleep quality. 


11. What does it mean if doctors tell you that you are dilated ?

A: Being dilated means that the cervical has been widened to prepare the body for the delivery. But it is not the only sign for labour. Many mothers get confused due to these. You can consider that your body is approaching labour by symptoms like loss of her mucus plug, water breaking. 


12.Is there any ayurvedic practice to know the gender of the baby?

A:No, Ayurveda does not have a specific method for determining the gender of the baby, as its focus is on promoting overall health and well-being during pregnancy rather than gender prediction.

13. Whether it be ayurveda or modern medical sciences , has pregnancy after 35 years of age been a sign of danger for a woman to get through and have a normal and healthy delivery?

A: Article explaining complications of old age pregnancy :



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