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Morning Sickness (nausea & vomiting), mood swings, food aversions and cravings.



● Madhur(sweet) & sheet (cold) based food with liquid diet (peya, kanji, coconut water, fruit juices).

● Vata energy is to be pacified with food like roasted vegetables, and soup,


Vihar consists of various Yogic Asanas according to the trimester of physical and mental nourishment of the mother and baby.

 Yogas to be done in Trimester 1 :

● Slow Breathing- 7-11 Breathing in Sukhasan position

● Shoulder and Neck rotations

● Baddha Konasana (butterfly pose)- stretches the pelvic muscles which helps during delivery

● Marjariasana- Spine health and balance

● Vajrasana- Helps in fixing Digestive issues 


- Video Link

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Backaches, Indigestion and Stretch marks.


● Pitta dosha is to be balancedbyconsuming curd, buttermilk, and cowghee.

● Hridya Fruits viz. Mango, watermelon, pumpkin, snake gourd, pomegranate.

● MamsaVardhak (foods which promote bulk in the fetus)–meat soup, blackgram.

● RaktaVardhak (foods which increase blood)- Pomegranate, Chikoo, Apple, spinach, beatroot,Amalki,guava etc,


 Yogas to be done in 2nd Trimester :

All the yogas that can be done in the 1st trimester can be continued in the second trimester also.

Here the body is more relaxed and hence. more stretches can be done for pelvic areas as well as overall body to keep the body flexible. and active.

Asnas include :

● Body stretching and Breathing

● Utkatasana

● Trikonasana

-Video Link 

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Swelling of ankles/feet, Breathlessness, Sleeplessness and Braxton Hicks contractions.


● Kapha energy is to be pacified during this time by consuming light, warm and dry foods, such as vegetables, grains, legumes, spices, and herbs.

● Rice gruel/soup cooked in milk, topped with a little ghee can be eaten daily,


Yogas to be done in 3rd Trimester

The 3rd trimester is very stressful as the body becomes heavy and digestive issues , body pain also increases. Ayurveda recommends very light exercises and rotation movements for the last trimester.

● Rotation Exercises- For Hands, Shoulders, Knees and Toes

● Trikon asana

● Tad asana

● Hip Stretch and Squat

-Video link



● Regular activities with equal amounts of rest are to be followed.


● Gentle stretching, yoga, and walks during the evenings is advisable.


● A tea made by soaking fennel seeds and one-quarter teaspoon of powdered ginger in hot water can help to ease nausea.


● Hot sesame/almond oil Abhyanga, a full-body massage, is recommended.


● Pitta pacifying activities such as yoga, and meditation will be helpful.


● Spiritual practices, praying, and communicating and/or reading to the unborn baby (Garbha Sanskar) is helpful.


● Gentle but regular movements are necessary like slow walks, stretching, and practicing pranayama.


● Plenty of rest and sleep is to be prioritized.


● Breast simulation using castor oil applying oils on the stomach part to reduce stretch marks, and putting an oil tampon in vagina can aid in a vaginal birth of the baby,

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The Vichar includes the various mental exercises and tasks to be done for cognitive development of the baby and for stress free pregnancy for the mother.

It includes reading books Books : Books play a crucial role in engaging a mother and a child and helps a baby grow its cognitive ability in the womb itself.

While ayurveda recommends reading spiritual books. Here is the list of both spiritual and self help books you can go to read during pregnancy.


Spiritual Books :

1. Ramayan

2. Garbh Geeta

3. Shrimad Bhagwat Geeta

4. Shiv Puran Self Help Books

(Non Spiritual Books) :

1. The Alchemist

2. The Little Book of Happiness- Ruskin Bond

3. The Wings of Fire- Autobiography of APJ Abdul Kalam

4. The Secret

5. The mother I never knew- Sudha Murthy Listening and Chanting




1. Ramraksha stotra 

2. Hanuman Chalisa 

3. Vedic Mantra 

4. Ragas- Pregnancy Music



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